It seems like the nation wishes for another celebration of Britishness this summer like the one that cheered everyone last. Without a once in a lifetime sporting event or significant reason to wave flags and watch boats for a significant old lady though, the country’s focus has moved to the one living British icon who was heavily prominent in the Olympics without ever actually being there. Mr David Bowie, the greatest pop star of all, was a major feature of both the opening and closing ceremonies as well his anthem Heroes being played at every medal ceremony. However, he never left New York, likely because he was working on his stealthily released new record The Next Day, and thus the mystery of Bowie grew in tandem with his iconic status. The new album and record breakingly successful David Bowie Is V&A exhibition have been the hook for much further Bowie mania across the media in recent months and this shows no sign of abating as Selfridges have just opened the doors on their David Bowie Is All Yours concept store in collaboration with the V&A. Truly, 2013 is the summer of Bowie.