Just a few doors down from our Redchurch St shop, the Loughran Gallery have made the journey from what the motorway signs call The North to host a Shoreditch Pop-Up. The MurdockMan attended the opening on Wednesday and we can officially report that there’s some very impressive work from some very big names in modern British art on show. Damien Hirst, Dave White, Marc Quinn, Harland Miller and Lara-Carew Jones have all provided pieces for the exhibition. Anyway that’s more than enough about all that amazing art because what the evening was most notable for was the surprising number of British boyband members present and the excitement that this caused my girlfriend.
Dave White’s Warrior.
My indifference at being in the same small, arty space as members of McFly, One Direction and Busted was in sharp and clearly-noticeable-to-watchful-PR-girls contrast to that of my girlfriend. Yes, McFly, One Direction and Busted. It was like the ghosts of boyband past, present and so-past-I-can-barely-remember-but-have-a-very-good-memory-for-these-things all in one room. A sure cause for a rift in the time space continuum of manufactured pop. And who from One Direction, I hear you not asking as you’re not at all interested, was in attendance? It was, of course, the Dalston party boy and teen lothario Harry Styles. You don’t really care about that fact, and neither particularly did I until I suddenly realised I was being used as a shield for sneaky iPhone photos. I obviously wanted nothing to do with such acts of blatant fandom. So I told my girlfriend not to act in such a manner, moved away before she (or so I thought) had had a chance to take any and played it cool. (So cool and blasé that I then used most of this blog post ostensibly about a gallery pop-up to talk about it….)
Damien Hirst in the window.
On leaving though, I discovered that she had ‘succeeded’ in attaining a photo of young Harry. And here it is in all its excitedly shaky and out of focus glory…
12 year old girls on Twitter have killed for less.
Loughran Gallery Pop-Up is on at The Gallery, Redchurch St until 7th April.